
piątek, 14 czerwca 2013


Wlasnie wybralam motto mojego projektu. Bylo ze mna od poczatku tej sycylijskiej przygody, a dzisiaj stalo sie nim oficjalnie.

“Za dwadzieścia lat bar­dziej będziesz żałował te­go, cze­go nie zro­biłeś, niż te­go, co zro­biłeś. Więc od­wiąż li­ny, opuść bez­pie­czną przys­tań. Złap w żag­le po­myślne wiat­ry. Podróżuj, śnij, od­kry­waj.” 
Mark Twain

"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things yhat you didn't do than by the things you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch tre trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover."
Mark Twain

poniedziałek, 10 czerwca 2013

SN jak Spaghetti Nero di Sepia


Sepia czyli atrament z kalamarnicy - podstawowy skladnik tego dania.

Pokrojona w paski kalamarnica, smazy sie na oliwie z cebulka.

Baza do sosu jest wysmienity sos pomidorowy ze swiezych pomidorow. Zobaczcie jak zmienia kolor po dodaniu atramentu!

Zupelnie czarny!
Jeszcze spaghetti....

Nero di Sepia na talerzu - z zamknietymi oczyma smakuje pomidorowo, z otwartymi pachnie grzybami i morzem. Nietuzinkowe danie.

Od wizyty kuzynow w marcu klasyka w naszej domowej restauracji Szabat Restaurant

Libera Terra - productes from the lands liberated from the Mafia

"Libera: Associations, names and numbers against Mafias" is a network of more than 1600 associations and groups and about 4500 schools. The organisation was founded on 25th March 1995, for the purpose of involving and supporting those who are interested in the fight against the mafias
and organised crime.

Libera aims to promote justice and lawfulness: through the social use of confiscated property and by commemorating the mafia victims. Libera also promotes more open national information sharing by exerting pressure on the Italian media to give more space to the voices that are less often heard.

Libera works on four levels: national, regional, provincial and local. It is a crossnational organisation operating in all 20 regions of Italy, but it is also working on an international level in order to fight against organised crime and mafias all around the world by sharing knowledge and methods."

Libera Education
"Libera Education was created in order to educate citizens about mafias and anti-mafia and on how to combat mafias. The methods used are inspired by the motto of Don Milani – “I care” – reminding us of the power and responsibilities of all citizens. 

In state schools Libera introduced various laboratories and workshops so that students can understand the subject of responsible citizenship by interactively participating. The goal is to reach as many students as possible to provide them with an alternative to the life-style."

Libera Terra
"Libera Terra is a project of cooperation, because it brings together different people with various skills for a common goal — to manage the lands confiscated from the mafias. This also means creating conditions to retain as much wealth as possible in the area and to provide employment opportunities.
Libera Terra Cooperatives
Thanks to law nr 109/96 - concerning the social use of confiscated property - associations, social cooperatives and communities gained the right to use the confiscated properties to maintain social development. Managing the
confiscated lands, the wineries and the stables, promoting
agri-tourism, organising youth exchanges and work camps on the lands have all become instruments to reconstruct a social and economic system based on the practice of active citizenship and solidarity.
The social cooperatives are working with organic agriculture methods, displaying respect for nature, of the land and the people who live there. Through the involvement of farmers and other productive sectors of the area, through agreements
and production quotas, the resources are transformed into valuable products.  

From sharing the spirit and the rules of the project were born the products of the 'Free Land' (Libera Terra): the taste of legality and freedom. The brand of Libera Terra seeks to encapsulate two elements: the social and ethical value
of the whole project, and the qualitative value of each product and service.

Products are of high quality, because they contain the sweat, passion and courage of all the members of the cooperative who said “NO” to the mafias and who, overcoming many difficulties, work on the lands and fight against organised crime every day."

 The Bottega - The tastes and awareness of legality

"The bottegas are shops where the products from confiscated land are sold. On the shelves you can find the fruits of
hard work: the organic products from the confiscated lands, such as wine, olive oil, pasta, marmalade, preserves.

In the bottega in Palermo you can also find fair-trade products from all around the world. Also, there are hand-made articles from social cooperatives that work in prisons, with disabled people etc.  

The importance of the shop lies in the fact that everybody can
contribute to the fight against mafias by eating the food coming from the lands confiscated from the mafia. Anti-mafia can also work through the taste of food and wines."

Libera Memory
"On March 21st every year we celebrate the Day of Memory and Commitment to commemorate the victims of the mafias. 21st March — the first day of spring — is a symbol of renewed hope; it also gives the victims' families the chance to meet and share their grief.

The programme is committed to creating a database of victims of the mafias in order to rekindle the memory of the many whose life were unjustly taken. These histories, names and faces will be collected in a book edited by Libera. Presentations by the family-members 0f the victims make
the existence and the consequences of the mafias more tangible and understandable. They keep the memory of the victims alive."

The Good and Fare Taste of Travelling
"Libera il g(i)usto di viaggiare was born with the goal of promoting the goods and developing the lands confiscated from the mafias and now held by cooperatives from “Libera Terra”. Thus, travellers can taste the organic food from these cooperatives.

Trips are designed in accordance with values of responsible tourism and sustainable consumption, fully respecting the environment, local culture and social and economical fairness. Organising trips based on responsible tourism also encourages the spread of benefits throughout the region concerned.

The proposed itineraries allow travellers to visit the most socially interesting and historical sites, and to investigate the natural resources of the area. Moreover, these travelers will learn the reality of those places which fought against the
mafias, asserting by so doing the principles of legality and responsibility.

Libera il g(i)usto di viaggiare gives the opportunity to see a place through the eyes of people who work and live there. Such opportunities should attract people interested in learning, who wish to turn their journey into an unforgettable experience, a true occasion to experiment, confront and reflect, as well as relax.  

Choosing to travel with this agency tourists will support all the entrepreneurs who contributed to the fight against the mafias."

Based on a brochure for tourists made by the volunteers of the European Voluntary Service programme.

Libera Terra
Piazza Castelnuovo, 13

Wiecej na ten temat:

czwartek, 6 czerwca 2013

Handmade Creative Thinking

Pierwsza publikacja, jaka przeczytalam po przyjezdzie do Palermo - podrecznik, ktory powstal w ramach projektu "Handmade Creative Thinking", finansowany w ramach programu LLP Leonardo “Transfer Of Innovation”.
Naprawde swietna rzecz, ktora pozwolila mi lepiej zrozumiec co jest dla mnie najwazniejsze w zyciu zawodowym. 
A tu link to podrecznika:
Bardzo polecam!
A tu mala, refleksyjna probka

"Evaluate your current situation
This initial questionnaire is an opportunity to take a closer look at yourself, your work life and what inspires you. 

Take as long as you need to do the questionnaire. 
What do you enjoy about your work?
• What do you enjoy the most about your work and why?
• What new projects or developments of your work are
you looking forward to?
• What do you do to keep training and learning to improve your skills and knowledge?
• Do you attend any courses, workshops or seminars?
What kind?
• Do you use the web to find out information?
• Your customers/clients?
• What do you do to actively attract customers?
• Do customers come to you as a result of other actions? E.g. Word of mouth, recommendation
Any worries?
• What at the moment do you think is not working so
well and what do you think are the reasons for this?
• What concerns do you have for the future of your business?
• What do you do when you are unable to resolve a problem or have a mental block?
• Do you tend to solve your problems alone?
• Who do you talk this kind of problem over with?
• Can you think of a situation that you did something different to solve a problem? 
Anything is possible!
• Do you have a vision or dream for the future, if so what is it?
• If you had a magic wand that could guarantee the success of a project, what project would you choose to carry out ?
How are you creative?
• What does Creative Thinking mean to you? Do you apply it in your professional and personal life? If yes, how do you apply it?
• What do you like doing outside of work and why?
• When you were young, what was your favourite game or activity?
Did you discover anything interesting or useful from your answers?
 Sometimes it can be useful to take some time to assess your current situation. It is also good to remember who inspires you and why, what can you take from that and apply to yourself right now.
Does it help you to remember your aspirations?" 
Page 55-56

środa, 5 czerwca 2013


Moje wymarzone miejsce. Takie, do ktorego ciagnie serce. Wymarzone miejsce Michala - buchajca Etna. To byl dobry dzien. 
Podziekowania dla naszych gosci, Marleny i Bartka, z ktorymi dojechalismy na drugi koniec wyspy. 

Isola Bella - Piekna Wyspa. Ma w sobie cos takiego co sprawia, ze nie moglismy od niej oderwac oczu. 


Wspielismy sie na wzgorze nad Taormina, i podziwialismy panorame na 360 stopni wokol. Tu - Amfiteatr. 

Dlugo polowalam na to ujecie. 

Majowa lawenda - zapach, ktory koi nerwy. 

Jak z Grecji, z ukochanymi kwiatami. 



"Palermo is an enchanting city, and who can say the contrary? It is not by chance that it was founded by the gods and some of them still wander among the streets. It possesses everything that can be desired: there is no place on earth that is so rich in charm, suggestions, art, history, perfumes, and climate flateries.
Where, indeed, can you even get a suntan in December, eat world-famous delicacies, admire testimonies of a past this is unique for its different facets, be warmed by the expansiveness of people, let yourself be enwrapped by the blue and by that light that remains forever anchored in the heart?"
Valentina Gebbia

Wlochy i UE

W ramach treningu dla sneiorow, ktorzy przyjechali na wolontariat do Palermo, na dzisiejszym spotkaniu pokazemy im ten filmik. Przyjechali z Austrii, wiec zrozumienie roznic miedzy UE a Wlochami moze im bardzo pomoc:)